Fibromyalgia is the second most common condition affecting your bones and muscles. Yet it’s often misdiagnosed and misunderstood. Its classic symptoms are widespread muscle and joint pain and fatigue.
But a combination of medication, exercise, managing your stress, and healthy habits may ease your symptoms enough that you can live a normal, active life.
Clinical features
• Muscle pain, burning, twitching, or tightness
• Low pain threshold or tender points
• Draining fatigue
• Trouble concentrating and remembering, called “fibro fog”
• Insomnia or not sleeping well
• Feeling nervous, worried, or depressed
Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may prescribe pain relievers, anti depressants, muscle relaxers, and drugs that help you sleep.
• Milnacipran
• Pregabalin
• Duloxetine
Regular moderate exercise is key to controlling fibromyalgia. You will want to do low-impact activities that build your endurance, stretch and strengthen your muscles, and improve your ability to move easily
— like yoga, tai chi, Pilates, and even walking.
Exercise also releases endorphins, which fight pain, stress, and feeling down. And it can help you sleep better.